Wednesday, January 26, 2011

[Updated] Kidung Jemaat, PKJ dan NKB untuk HP (termasuk Blackberry, Symbian, Java)

[Update 26 January] Sekarang dilengkapi dengan NKB

Telah tersedia Kidung Jemaat, Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat dan NKB yang bisa digunakan pada HP anda, baik itu Blackberry, Symbian, HP dengan Java

Untuk Blackberry terlebih dahulu harus diinstal Bible Plus for Blackberry
Petunjuk instalasi untuk Blackberry telah disiapkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris oleh Yohanes Nugroho pembuat programnya.

Untuk HP dengan OS Symbian terlebih dahulu harus diinstal versi Bible Plus yang diadaptasi untuk OS Symbian yaitu SymbianBible

Bible Plus for Blackberry dan SymbianBible dibuat oleh Yohanes Nugroho

Setelah itu tinggal di add saja modul Kidung Pujian dalam format PDB.
Untuk download modul Kidung Pujian buat Bible Plus silahkan klik disini

Untuk HP lainnya (termasuk HP Cina atau lokal) yang bisa Java silahkan download versi GoBible yang juga telah saya buat. Untuk download versi GoBible silahkan klik disini

Saya mendapatkan teks untuk Kidung Jemaat, Pelengkap Kidung jemaat dan NKB dari Tesalonika Blog's

Pemegang hak cipta (c) Kidung Jemaat dan Pelengkap KJ adalah Yamuger
Pemegang hak cipta (c) NKB adalah Sinode AM GKI

Semoga berkenan....God Bless Us

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Winner of My Maps Australia Awards 2008

Google is the sponsor of My Maps Australia Awards 2008 and I was one of the winners. I am now a happy owner of an iPod Touch as well as a cute waypoint trophy.

I'll try to find some time to upload a photo of the trophy and iPod Touch

Read the competition announcement: click here
See My Map titled Public Arts in Sydney: click here

View Public Arts in Sydney in a larger map

Thanks to Google and the judges for selecting My Map!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Download KIDUNG JEMAAT dan NKB untuk HP

Biasa bawa buku nyanyian Kidung Jemaat (c) YAMUGER dan/atau Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru-NKB (c) Sinode Am GKI? Beta baru saja buat versi HPnya memakai program GoBible.

Apa isinya? Yang pasti hanya lirik dari nyanyian yang ada dalam KJ dan NKB. Tapi yang asiknya, kita bisa menggunakan fasilitas pencarian nomor lagu yang dibutuhkan.

Ntar kalo ada waktu, beta akan upload beberapa contoh tampilan programnya. Udah liat tampilannya GoBible? Sama persis, beda hanya isinya doang

Persyaratan HP:
Harus mendukung Java MIDP 2.0 Biasanya semua HP layar warna keluaran terbaru (beberapa tahun terakhir) udah bisa pake program ini. Setelah didownload, copy ke HP via bluetooth ato caramu tersendiri. Kalo beta biasa pake bluetooth.

Persyaratan bagi Pemakai:
Karena ini masih edisi Beta, jadi pasti ada teks yang salah ketik. Mohon disampaikan ke beta bagian mana yang masih kurang sempurna. And kalo udah download boleh dong diabsen di comment dibawah ini. (Progam ini gratis dan untuk personal use aja ya...tidak untuk diperjualbelikan)

Tertarik? Mau Download? Klik disini untuk download

Semoga bermanfaat. GBU

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Dalam kehidupan beragama saya, buku nyanyian KIDUNG JEMAAT selalu digunakan. Tapi kadang kita lebih sering membawa HP /mobile phone daripada buku nyayian KIDUNG JEMAAT.

Karena itu saya memulai project kecil-kecilan untuk membuat setidaknya lirik/teks lagu dari KIDUNG JEMAAT tersedia dalam versi mobile.

Karena minimnya pengetahuan programming, saya memakai database engine yang sudah sering dipakai untuk Alkitab versi HP yaitu GoBible.
Untuk liriknya?....Daripada harus diketik lagi (repot!)...ternyata ada di sebuah blog yaitu di:

Hasilnya jadi deh versi awal Kidung Jemaat versi 1.0. (135 KB)...kecil ukuran filenya
Lengkap untuk Kidung Jemaat No. 1 - 478

HP yang bisa diinstall program ini adalah HP yang mendukung Java

I've made a small program for mobilephone (Java-compatible) using the GoBible database engine to display the lyrics of the songs in the KIDUNG JEMAAT song book often used by Christian in Indonesia

**Catatan: Karena lirik Kidung Jemaat tidak diambil dari YAMUGER maka program ini hanya digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogging from MS Word 2007

Just learned from Life Rocks 2.0 that you can blog from within MS Word. This is a short post using the said method. Nice!

Don't know how to include the tags (the Insert Category button is grayed-out… well maybe soon I'll find out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Letter Shaped Buildings on Google Map

Introducing geoGreeting.

What this website does is allows you to type greetings and see them transformed into letter-shaped building with images from Google Map. See a screenshot of my nickname above.

You can send the greetings by E-card or send an email with the link generated.

My Humanitarian Work...A Reflection

[Update] This post won the 3rd price in the World Vision Blog Action Day Competition. Thanks...]
[Update 2] Here is the link:

I don't know about you but there is a different sensation when duty calls you to work in emergency situation post disasters man-made or natural. And wow...Indonesia has many of those disasters.

Post referendum violence in East Timor, Indonesia led to large exodus of East Timorese to West Timor. I have just graduated from my bachelor studies and joined OXFAM GB on a water project in a resettlement village.

Then came the bad news no one wanted to hear. Several UN staff were killed by angry mob of thousands in Atambua, Indonesia. All humanitarian organisation left the area as UN slapped the highest security level - Level 5 on the whole West Timor area. Fortunately after a few years later most NGOs returned. The UN however had a limited presence due to the Security Level restrictions. This is when I joined UN OCHA that facilitates coordination of humanitarian activities.

As a junior staff I went to natural disaster emergencies such as Alor Earthquake and Eruption of Mt. Egon in Flores. But the most shocking event that affected the whole nation and the world was coming soon. It was the Asian Tsunami Disaster on Boxing Day 2004. My experience in Aceh will be the theme of this post.

A couple of days after the large earthquake that led to the tsunami on Boxing Day 04, I received a call from the UN OCHA Chief of Staff in Jakarta requesting my support in Aceh. As a junior staff, it was a dream call plus the opportunity to help others in need during emergency...The adrenalin rush!

I arrived in Aceh on 6 January 2005, almost 2 weeks after the disaster. My main task was to support the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), usually the first UN team on the ground for any emergency. Our line of work is coordination. Although still could be considered a junior staff in the UN system, because I was the longest serving Indonesian field staff working with UNDAC I was considered as senior by my work colleagues. Another great thing was that I worked with some of the best UN staff from all over the world. How about working hours? 07:oo AM - 11:00 PM for 2 months....Crazy isn't it? But it felt good working under pressure. My main task was coordination with Indonesian Government and help establish the humanitarian air service -originally called UN-Joint Logistics Centre (JLC) and later UN-Humanitarian Air Service (HAS). I got to see and experience rides on different helicopters and planes.

And when you think the emergency phase is over and you can relax......boom in March a big earthquake shook Nias and Simeulue Islands. I am off to Simeulue to support the coordination activities and from what was originally a 1 week deployment turned into a total of 3 months posting. Living in tents once again together with survivors of the earthquake was nothing new.

After returning to Banda Aceh we hear the news about the appointment of Bill Clinton as the UN special envoy for tsunami recovery. He visited Aceh 4 times, 3 of them with the capacity as special envoy. I didn't realise preparing for his visit was a big job, a month of preparation for a half day visit.
From My Pictures

By 2006 there was an opportunity to have a post with more responsibility in a small city called Calang. It was completely devastated during the tsunami and only 2 buildings were left standing. It turned out to be my most memorable moments in Aceh. I was trusted to become the head of the field office leading a small team of enthusiastic staff and to be trusted as the UN Deputy Area Security Coordinator for the Calang area (unofficially - mentioned in the UN Security Plan but no official appointment from the UN Country Representative) was a big deal for me.

After 2.5 years in Aceh, I decided it was time for me to leave...Fortunately a study opportunity arise with a scholarship from AusAID and here I am in Sydney.

BUT...when you thought there was no more came up in the form of flooding in Aceh Tamiang. It happened during the Christmas holiday period. I was called up by the UN Coordinator to support as the Logistics Manager (where are all those fine UN WFP staff when you need them?) So as some people celebrated the Christmas Day....I was on a helicopter with a couple of tonnes of food supplies for the affected area. After a month in the disaster area it was time for me to leave as more staff have returned from their Christmas and New Year break.

I flew out of Aceh with great memories and experience. I enjoyed the adrenalin rush working in emergencies. Some people call us "disaster junkies" and there's even a Facebook Group. I will certainly do this type of work again in the future...

OK enough reflection....back to uni study.....